Saturday, October 31, 2015

In Terms of Life in the Universe, Earth May be Early to the Party.

A new theoretical study finds that 92 percent of planets that could harbor life don't even exist yet. It does seem unusual that the Earth is only one-third the age of the universe. Perhaps, this is not the norm. Perhaps, this study helps explain why the universe isn't bustling with consciousness yet.


Monday, October 19, 2015

When Stars Glitch

Every armchair astronomer is familiar with the concept of violently rotating neutron stars, better known as pulsars. They are, after all, popular celestial objects with unique characteristics. For instance, pulsars are highly magnetized and accompanied by beams of radiation emanating from their magnetic poles. Pulsars have regular periods that causes them to pulse in precise intervals. This pulsing is, in fact, so regular that certain types even rival atomic clocks in terms of their time keeping precision. These facts are well known to a general consumer of popular science. What may be lesser known, however, is that they sometimes glitch.

Occasionally, pulsars have been known to exhibit a sudden, usually temporary change in rotational frequency. This event has been dubbed a glitch. Glitches can be as large as one millionth the usual rotational frequency. Small, but not too small to notice.

After a glitch has been detected, the pulsars typically return to their normal rotational frequency during a finite recovery period. Recovery periods can range from days to years. Though the exact reasons for the glitch can only be speculated at this time, the leading idea is that the pulsar's typically faster rotating internal fluid briefly matches the rotational frequency of the outer crust. In a sense, the two dynamic materials briefly couple. Only to decouple after affecting the star's rotational frequency.

If this hypothesis is indeed correct, it means there is a limit on pulsars' moments of inertia. This, in turn, sets a limit on the stars' mass-radius relation. Specifically, the radius must be greater than or equal to 2.9 * GM/c^2.

In time, pulsar glitches will be better understood and will thereby help to explain why these strange stars look and behave the way that they do. Glitches may also be, one day, added to the list of popular science factoids. This will surely delight armchair astronomers the world over.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

New Horizons' Next Stop

Several months after New Horizons' historic flyby of Pluto, scientists have decided on the probe's next destination: a Kuiper Belt object (KBO) named 2014 MU69. This will complete the second component of New Horizons' mission; The first, of course, being a survey a Pluto and its associated moons. 

When the interplanetary space probe New Horizons launched in January 2006 one of it's main purposes was to study such objects. These ancient bodies are, in a sense, the remnants of the solar system. Studying their composition could help scientists understand how distant spherical bodies accreted. 

2014 MU69 was discovered in 2014 by the Hubble Space Telescope and met the orbital criteria for New Horizons.  After the Pluto flyby, New Horizons began making a series of trajectory adjustments in August and expects to reach 2014 MU69 in January 2019.  Once it does, the probe will attempt to resolve a series of observational objectives.  These include:

- a geologic survey of the bodies' surface
- a collection of surface data including temperature and composition
- a search for geologic activity 
- a search for any orbiting material

New Horizons' exploration of 2014 MU69 will be the longest distance exploration of a celestial body ever; An exploration that will likely not be replicated for many years. The data New Horizons' collects will help improve scientists' understanding of how the solar system formed while taking some interesting pictures along the way. 
